International Architectural & Urban Design Workshop

Architectural Institute of Japan  

Town Building Support Committee/  Urban Planning Research Committee

日本建築学会 国際建築都市デザインワークショップ
日本建築学会 まちづくり支援建築会議/都市計画委員会

Dear Friends,

The Architectural Institute of Japan will host the "InternationalArchitectural & Urban Design Workshop 2013 in Tamura" from July21st to 29th, 2013. Please read the following information and startapplying it. We are looking forward to seeing you soon.

                                               Chaiman of Executive Committee

                                                                    Masami Kobayashi

Record of  Karatsu International Architectural & UrbanDesign Workshop 2010 

Record of  Takahashi International Architectural & UrbanDesign Workshop 2011


Deadline was extended to 6/25  !!

Don't hesitate to apply.

                   CALL for Participants !!

              "Urban and Rural Design in Tamura City

           toward Regeneration of "Fukushima" Region"


Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) will host an International Architectural  and Urban Design Workshop in July, 2013. We will call for enthusiastic students  from all over the world to participate.

Tamura is a city composed of beautiful towns and villages located on Abukuma  highlands with abundant naturalassets.In spite of the fact that the city has not  been strongly affected by the radioactive contamination caused by the explosion  of Fukushima 1 Nuclear Power Plant after the Great East Japan Earthquake on  March 11th, 2011, it has lost its original local power till now.

 This workshop will investigate how to enhance the revitalization of the city,and  will propose several visions for its regeneration. (theme is subject to change)

 ■Date:  July 21 (Sat)-29(Sun), 2013

 ■Venue:  Tamura city, Fukushima prefecture, Japan

 ■Participants:  Maximum 40 international students

 ■Register Fee:20,000yen (Incl. accomodation and meal)

 ■Host:  Architectural Institute of Japan
                 Town Building Support Committee/ Urban Planning Research Committee

 ■Instructors:  Masami Kobayashi, Atushi Deguchi, Hajo Neis, Naomichi Kurata,
                         Tsuyoshi Seike, Stefan Pellegrini, Anne Scheou, Hiroshi Koike,
                         Hiroo Tanaka, Hiroki Okamoto, Jung Fang So

    Tamura city has not been strongly affected by the radioactive contamination.
See more detail information (English)

See more detail information (Japanese)



                                        Photos of the past workshop participants


                          in Karatsu, Saga 2010

                                     in Takahashi, Okayama 2011

                                     in Shimokitazawa, Tokyo 2012